Why this podcast is evolving - rebrand announcement

210.jpg woman sitting on couch posing with a mic, headphones, laptop, and coffee cup

First of all….


Part of me can’t believe I stuck to something so long, but the other part of me can’t believe how fast 50 episodes went by! 

While this has been a labor of love—and it takes a whole freaking team to make this happen every other week— the community we are building is really special. And wow. I’m just feeling super sappy and happy.

We’ve come a long way since I launched the podcast almost 2 years ago. We grew from a team of 1 to a team of 5. And we’ve had over 8,600 downloads so far this year. 

But, at the end of the day, those numbers don’t really matter. What matters is when I get DMs or emails from you letting me know how an episode made you feel less alone in your job. Or that because of a trick you learned, you’re saving tons of time and you’re taking one of the resources to try with your Board.

These messages bring my heart so much joy.

I am so grateful to YOU for being here along this journey. It’s my absolute dream to be able to empower EDs to do better for their organization without sacrificing all their time and energy. It’s been a wild ride and I’m so glad you’re here with me.

And don’t worry, the Productive Executive Director podcast isn’t going anywhere. It’s just getting a little refresh. 

You’re probably wondering… What’s wrong with the current name?

Why fix what’s not broken? 

Some background

I started this podcast because I wanted to be a disruptor in our sector. As an ED, I felt like I got a lot of “It’s always been done this way” whenever I wanted to do things a little differently and I felt really alone in my small shop and I wanted to create something where EDs from all types of organizations could build community together. Learn from each other and grow together.

As I started on my path as a business owner, I realized even more so how archaic some of the nonprofit practices were – especially when it came to technology, automation and so I wanted to be focused on time management, systems, and overall helping you to work more efficiently so you can build better relationships with donors.

But… something always felt a little off. 

I LOVE the idea that you can be more efficient with your time by creating systems and focusing on your habits. And I’ve been like this since I was a little kid. If I did my homework in the car on the way home from school, then I could have more time to chillax on my blow up neon couch. 

This is just how my brain worked. And  I may be THE productivity expert when it comes to systematizing small shop nonprofits. But… the word “productive” itself kinda brings up a lot. 

Take the definition of “Productive”

➡️ Productive means achieving or producing a significant amount or result.

Oof. Do you feel that tightening in your stomach? 

YES the whole point of running a nonprofit is to make big waves happen. But the idea of constantly “achieving” or “producing” MORE, well, doesn’t that sound exhausting? 

And it’s nothing new… 

There’s been a lot of push back against hustle culture and capitalism lately — and for good reason. 

We’re constantly surrounded by messages to be better, push harder, do more. That’s why at the end of the day—when it’s time to cozy up with your pups— there’s a nagging sensation that you’re wasting time. 

You think, “I should be working. I’m not DOING enough.”

And…I gotta say…I don’t want to play into that. You already put enough pressure on yourself to be productive. ALL. THE. TIME. 

But I’m here to show you the tools and strategies to WORK SMARTER. As in, work less.

I’m here to help you become more efficient, so you can boost your impact (without unrealistic expectations we often put on ourselves.). 

Because working less means more time for the people, places, and passions you love. 

Productivity is a cycle

Productivity comes in seasons. As a farmer in training, I know this all too well. 

We till the soil….plant the seeds…add compost. It rains—we wait. It’s sunny—we wait some more. 

Then, come harvest season, the fruits of our efforts pay off. 

Corn doesn’t produce 24/7, 12 months a year, and neither should you. 

Executive directors need to focus on longevity + what will create sustainable impact. 

You can’t produce corn overnight, and you can’t scale your nonprofit overnight either.

Here’s why we’re rebranding the podcast 

Sometimes, change just makes sense. From a business perspective, it’s important to make sure our brand reflects who we are. 

So, aside from productive not resonating as much, here are a few reasons we are changing the podcast name: 

  1. We’ve rebranded as a business. 

    Have you noticed our new look? If not, take a look at our homepage and About page to take it all in.

  2. We want to change the conversation about nonprofit sustainability

    It’s not about working 17 hours a day. Or pulling late nights on the weekends. Our goal with this podcast is to show you how to reclaim your time, build better relationships, and raise more money—all while rejecting the “time drought trap” that most changemakers are stuck in.

  3. The old name no longer represents our brand values.

    “The Productive Executive Director” didn’t represent who we are.

We believe in being human-first. 

None of us are robots, and we need to stop setting expectations for ourselves like we are. 

We believe in creating space.

Success doesn’t mean scheduling every minute of your day to “be productive.” Success is being thoughtful and intentional—creating time and space to think, plan, and strategize. 

And, more than anything, we believe in resilience. 

Nonprofit work is HARD, but we are here to help you to grow, resist, absorb—and maybe even disrupt—to boost your impact.

That brings us to the new podcast name: Sprout  

I’m pretty excited about this!!!!! I’m going to geek out for a second - the definition of Sprout is “to begin to grow. To shoot forth.”

If that’s not a clear picture of an ED’s job, I don’t know what is!!!!!!! 

I love the image of each of us as little sprouts. Sometimes sitting just beneath the surface, establishing roots and a strong foundation before we shoot up and grow. 

We have to tend to our nonprofits to grow, but first we have to tend to our own personal and professional growth to make meaningful change . 

I’m so excited to help you find stability and focus so you can get time back in your day and catapult your mission.

What else is next? When will the name change take place?

We’re officially changing the podcast name at the start of the new year. I wanted to make sure you had the heads up—especially in case you aren’t following the podcast. 

Not to be a total tease, but if you thought this announcement was big – hold on to your hats because I’ve got one more announcement coming and it has to do with the Productive ED community.

And I want you to have some time to prepare, so you’re on notice that the membership is relaunching in mid-January. The cost will stay the same at $97/month. 

So much more to come, so while we’re here, head to your favorite podcast app and tap follow so you don’t miss any episodes when we switch over!


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